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Welcome to the The Divine Luna Streaming Site

A valid VidownPass provides access to all The Divine Luna videos more than 6 Months old

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Breath holding #2 with HB SPO2 cam a.
She is already doing great with nice contractions.
Year: 2010    Length: 7 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holding #2 cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2010    Length: 7 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Underwater #1.
While Luna performs underwater, Pele watches and interacts with her from the outside. She asks Luna to do various things like spin around or take off her top.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: water

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1st Breath holds with heart beat cam a.
The pulse oxymeter records her oxygen levels as she does her 1st 3 breath holds. On the 1st she takes a single breath with no advice or help. During the next two we teach her how to relax and breathe so her times increase greatly.
Year: 2010    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1st Breath holds with heart beat cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. Also a better view of her beautiful face. She gets contractions on her 1st breath holds.
Year: 2010    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Lower body workout with heart beat.
She does lunges and squats to get her pulse rate up, while the stethoscope records crystal clear audio. She`s cute, fun and slightly nervous during her 1st workout video. It`s really good.
Year: 2010    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Visible pulse in chest and neck.
Her pulse is very pronounced. Her whole tummy and chest shake with each beat. She is resting most of the time but towards the end she does exercise to increase her pulse rate. Colored beads are also used.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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