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Welcome to the Slapstick Stuff Streaming Site

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Click here to display the full SlapstickStuff.com Streaming List Displaying 25 of 45 items

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 28 - 2803
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Holly shows for a swimsuit shoot only to discover it`s a SLAPSTICK shoot. Since she`s a 2006 Hooters calendar girl we pie her anyway. [AWESOME pie hits, real & shaving cream. How bout that bikini?? Unedited med&wide.]
Year: 2005    Length: 19 minutes       Keywords: Holly pies seltzer whipped cream shaving cream bikini

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 28 - 2801
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Rich demonstrates how any type of comedy can be turned into slapstick with the help of a Hooters calendar girl and two dozen pies. [MANY great pie hits. Real ones & flavored ones too + seltzer & slime. Unedited close & med.]
Year: 2005    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Holly pies slime whipped cream shaving cream chocolate water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 27 - 2702
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Toshia`s debut! Rich explains types of comedy w/assistance from lovely Toshia. Rich turns every type of comedy into a pie in T`s face. Rich is amused. Toshia not so much. [TONS of pies & a great green sliming, plus unedited added.]
Year: 2005    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Toshia pies slime whipped cream shaving cream feet

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 27 - 2701
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Kathleen from SS03 finally returns to SlapstickStuff w/a barrel full of complaints. Coincidentally we have a barrel full of slime&pies. It`s almost too perfect. [All kinds of pies. 4 great slimes. Water. 3 angles. Plus unedited!]
Year: 2005    Length: 32 minutes       Keywords: Kathleen pies slime water whipped cream shaving cream wetlook

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 26 - 2603
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Officer Wendy tracks the Cream Pie Maniac to a local bakery. Unfortunately the baker on duty creates a bigger mess than the Maniac ever dreamed possible. [Genuinely funny scene w/more excellent tit-for-tat & Wendy well slimed!]
Year: 2005    Length: 24 minutes       Keywords: Capucine pies slime shaving cream whipped cream two-girl sister

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 26 - 2602
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Suzie Sales tries to win back her show from her replacement. But it`s kid laughter that will determine who stays & who just gets pie-covered. [Funny scene w/deliberate tit-for-tat hits & awesome self pies. Unedited added.]
Year: 2005    Length: 35 minutes       Keywords: Capucine pies water shaving cream whipped cream two-girl sister

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 26 - 2601
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Real sisters argue over whether our pies are `less filling` or `taste great.` Predictably messy results ensue! [No plot. No outtakes. Just pies. Tit-for-tat w/truly vicious hits like only sisters can dish out! Unedited added.]
Year: 2005    Length: 27 minutes       Keywords: Capucine pies water whipped cream shaving cream two-girl sister

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 4 Volume 25 - 2504
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Deana returns to SlapstickStuff to offer a `dissenting opinion.` SlapstickStuff welcomes dissenting opinions. Mostly we welcome them with a barrage of pies. [AMAZING pie hits. Some real ones too! And 3 slimes & waterings.]
Year: 2005    Length: 31 minutes       Keywords: Deana pies slime wetlook whipped cream shaving cream chocolate

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 25 - 2503
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! SlapstickStuff presents `Hypno TV` as our psychic discovers the art of relaxation involves a lot of pies. AND rain (not in the script). [Some great pieings mostly thrown. Also waterings & lots of quick hits before the thunderstorm!]
Year: 2005    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: Deana pies shaving cream whipped cream wetlook

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 25 - 2502
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Officer Wendy returns to `Law And Order Cream Pie Unit` in a sting designed to catch the Cream Pie Maniac. Instead she catches the wrath of angry motorists w/parking tickets. [Many gooey pies & water & FUNNY reactions.]
Year: 2005    Length: 18 minutes       Keywords: Deana pies shaving cream whipped cream wetlook

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 5 Volume 24 - 2405
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Jennifer invites boyfriend Bobby to her dorm room to `mess around.` Unfortunately Bobby is a slapstick comedy fan & hilarious misunderstandings insue! [Cute&sexy scene w/three slimings & gooey pies. And short shorts! Plus unedited.]
Year: 2005    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: Jen pies slime shaving cream whipped cream

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 4 Volume 24 - 2404
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! It`s another episode of `Slapstick ER` and a brand-new nurse is discovering how to revive patients using only cream pies and her face! [All whipped cream & real pie hits. Great self pies&reactions. Now includes unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: Jen pies whipped cream

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 24 - 2401
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Jennifer tries out for SlapstickStuff as they interview across the Southeast. Many pies follow. [All Cool Whip & real pies plus a little seltzer. Great reactions & laughing. Also a funny `pre-shoot` interview & unedited closeups.]
Year: 2005    Length: 17 minutes       Keywords: Jen pies whipped cream chocolate water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 23 - 2302
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Mr. Slap teaches Catholic schoolgirl Trisha about geometric principles using the food item related to 3.14. [Lots of whipped cream & chocolate pies plus some SC&paper plate combos. Now includes unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 24 minutes       Keywords: Meg pies whipped cream shaving cream chocolate

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 22 - 2201
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Meghan interviews for SlapstickStuff and quickly discovers that she is a `natural comedienne` by virtue of her ability to get pied over and over. [Many whipped cream chocolate & real pies. Now includes unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 24 minutes       Keywords: Meg pies whipped cream chocolate water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 21 - 2103
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! The Suzie Sales Show learns about nursery rhymes through `Messy Mother Goose` which doesn`t bode well for the cleanliness of Suzie. [Whipped cream & real pies & water. Now includes all unedited footage.]]
Year: 2005    Length: 21 minutes       Keywords: Marti pies whipped cream wetlook

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 21 - 2101
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Marti auditions for the newest SlapstickStuff video and discovers more than she ever wanted to learn about pies. [Whipped cream & real pies + water. Now includes all unedited footage.]]
Year: 2005    Length: 27 minutes       Keywords: Marti pies whipped cream wetlook

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 19 - 1901
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Dayna interviews for SlapstickStuff and gets a crash course in the art of messy comedy. [Whipped cream and real pies plus chocolate. Includes all unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 26 minutes       Keywords: Dayna pies whipped cream chocolate boots

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 18 - 1803
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Officer Wendy attempts to capture the Cream Pie Maniac on a very special episode of `Law And Order Cream Pie Unit.` [Whipped cream and real pies. Includes all unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 18 minutes       Keywords: Diana pies whipped cream

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 18 - 1801
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Diana discovers that being a SlapstickStuff model means lots of pies lots of chocolate and lots of mess down the cleavage. [Whipped cream and real pies plus chocolate. Includes all unedited footage.]
Year: 2005    Length: 19 minutes       Keywords: Diana pies whipped cream chocolate

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 17 - 1701
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Southern belle Amy interviews for the position of `slapstick model` and discovers it involves lots and lots of pies. Even a pie or two from Big Sis! [Whipped cream and real pies. Includes all unedited footage.]
Year: 2004    Length: 21 minutes       Keywords: Amy pies whipped cream

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 16 - 1601
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Carolyn shows up for her SlapstickStuff interview in her best outfit and leaves wearing an additional 13 pies. [Real & whipped cream pies plus chocolate! Awesome coverage. Plus unedited footage from both angles.]
Year: 2004    Length: 20 minutes       Keywords: Carolyn pies whipped cream chocolate feet

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 15 - 1501
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Angry customer Ashley returns a pie to Kimmie`s bakery and things basically escalate from there. Filmed before a live audience. [Whipped cream&chocolate pies. Chocolate head dunking&smearing. Truly VICIOUS hits. General mayhem.]
Year: 2004    Length: 22 minutes       Keywords: Ashley pies chocolate whipped cream pudding two-girl

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 14 - 1401
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Rude customer Casey gets her `just desserts` from Deana the waitress but soon winds up returning the favor. [Real & SC pies & tit-for-tat AND a live audience. Now includes all unedited footage too!]
Year: 2004    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Deana Casey pies whipped cream shaving cream two-girl

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 13 - 1303
REMASTERED & EXPANDED! Suzie Sales decides to read some `Messy Mother Goose` rhymes to her kids and discovers just how messy Story Time can be. [Whipped cream shaving cream chocolate AND water!]
Year: 2004    Length: 19 minutes       Keywords: Britney pies whipped cream shaving cream water chocolate

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