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Welcome to the Slapstick Stuff Streaming Site

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 134 - AAA13401
Small-file version! Slingshot II: The Slingshot Snaps Back. A sequel that`s actually GOOD! Ginger gets completely destroyed w/real pies, chocolate & slime while wearing next-to-nothing, AND nails the producer!
Year: 2014    Length: 34 minutes       Keywords: Ginger pies lingerie bikini thong slime Cool Whip pudding chocolate shaving cream throw butt coed male

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 121 - AAA12102
Small-file version! Ginger returns to complain about all those other models stealing HER nurse outfit. We offer to give her double what the other girls got. Guess where this goes... [LONG clip with lots of improv, real pies, and super thick slime!]
Year: 2013    Length: 30 minutes       Keywords: pies lingerie thong slime Cool Whip pudding chocolate shaving cream throw butt Ginger

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 121 - AAA12101
Small-file version! Not only did Ginger personally email us about returning, but she even suggested this outfit!! That is OUR kind of woman. Even before the pies & slime... which are plentiful, by the way.
Year: 2013    Length: 32 minutes       Keywords: pies lingerie bikini thong slime Cool Whip pudding chocolate shaving cream throw butt coed male Ginger

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Just The Hits: Britney! - AAA11809
Small-file version! Want to see EVERY SINGLE pie hit Britney took in one download? Now you can! ALL the Britney pie hits from SS111 & SS118... Over 85 in all!
Year: 2015    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: Britney compilation pies lingerie thong bikini Cool Whip pudding chocolate shaving cream throw

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SlapstickStuff Scene 4 Volume 111 - AAA11104
Small-file version! Brit wears a tiny thong bikini & finds herself kidnapped, tied up, pied, slimed, chocolated, AND floured. And she couldn`t be happier to play in it all! Lots of mess in this one... and more playing too!
Year: 2012    Length: 23 minutes       Keywords: pies bikini thong bondage slime water pudding chocolate flour shaving cream feet throw wetlook Britney

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3DV Volume 102 - A10208
SS102Scene3 in FULL DVD quality and resolution. Download is MPEG2, not WMV. Edited scene only: NO Outtakes. [Your order also entitles you to the 23-min WMV version. A free code will be mailed to you.]
Year: 2011    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: Ginger Cassandra two-girl pies slime chocolate shaving cream wetlook throw thong coed male

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 102 - A10207
REMASTERED! `Naughty nurses` try to escape the Cream Pie Maniac only to get bombarded w/pies, chocolate & slime. Good times! [Crazy messy scene with lots of skin and LOTS of mess. Still PG-13 though! Brief cleanup and male revenge at the end too.]
Year: 2011    Length: 23 minutes       Keywords: Ginger Cassandra two-girl pies slime chocolate shaving cream wetlook throw thong coed male

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