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Welcome to the New Goddesses Streaming Site

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Madison Hardcore new bike experiment.
1st we determined the maximum speed she can pedal on the bikes hardest setting. She`s given a list of times and mph that she has to pedal. 25mph for 30 sec, 18mph for 1 min etc. The times and mph appear on the screen along with the bikes LCD.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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You control her breath holding cam c.
This is the view from her hips towards her head. She really needs air for most of the video since you only let her take tiny sips of air after she`s had long contractions.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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You control her breath holding cam b.
This is the view from above. Her heart beat is recorded. She can only breathe through her nose when you release pressure.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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You control her breath holding cam a.
You have complete control over how long she has to hold her breath. Occasionally you let her breathe out but not back in. She`s kept in the contraction zone dying for air most of the time.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Hot pink sexy ass workout.
Hot pink lingerie and lipstick compliment that perfect body and beautiful face in this very sexy video. She does a variety of exercises using her upper and lower body. Even during the arm exercises her heart is pounding hard and fast. She works out almost
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Madison new breath hold game while you palpate b.
She picks the longest times back to back in the beginning making the video very hard. You feel her heart as she panics and contemplates her horrible luck at drawing the times. On the last hold she grabs your hand and places it over her mouth.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Madison new breath hold game while you palpate a.
This is similar to the breath hold game that Phyra did recently but this was actually filmed 1st. Poor Madison picks the breath hold times out of a bowl and picks the absolute worst order possible. You feel her heart beat.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Madison bike workout visible pulse on floor.
She rides the bike hard to really get that heart racing and then she flops, exhausted on to the floor as quickly as possible so we can see her chest visibly shaking with each powerful beat.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Madison regular sexy breath holds c.
This is the view from her hips towards her head.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Madison regular sexy breath holds b.
Her breath holds are always amazing but her heart audio is also great in this one.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Madison regular sexy breath holds a.
She does 3 very nice breath holds and gives it her usual amazing effort. She has long contractions and really looks like she`s out of it on the last one.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Alana Heart tour.
Her heart sound so incredible. Crystal clear and unique. We get the full tour of the major auscultation sites from a different angle. She does a bit of breath experimentation.
Year: 2016    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat

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Alana bike workout with ECG.
She rides the bike on the hardest setting 3 times and rests 3 times. Each time she pushes harder for a faster pulse rate. Nice video of faster ECG reading and great audio.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Alana ab pulses.
The pulse in her incredible toned abs is recorded as she gently breathes while resting on the floor. The camera angle changes a few times for a nice variety of views. The heart audio is phenomenal.
Year: 2016    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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Madison big push variety b.
This is the alternate camera angle.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment

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Madison big push variety a.
She does a big variety of breath hold pushes while lying on the floor and sitting up in an attempt to illicit some heart irregularities. Nice heart audio and a great effort.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment

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April Listening to her own heart with full Littmann.
She uses the full Littmann stethoscope to tour her own heart. 1st she`s lying on the floor and later she`s standing upright and flirting a lot more. Really nice variety on the heart audio.
Year: 2016    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat stethoscope

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April bike workout.
She pedals the bike on the hardest setting to get her heart pounding and then rests. She pushes herself to go faster on each set and looks gorgeous during the process.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Madison experimenting with Red steth number 9.
It`s been quite a while since we busted out old trusty red steth number 9 which was made for us by a fan years ago. She explores her heart while doing a variety of breath play.
Year: 2016    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat stethoscope

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Madison 30 30 60 60.
She rides the bike for as hard as she can for 30 seconds and then rests for 30 seconds. She keeps repeating this for 5 minutes and then switches to 1 minute intervals. Challenging video with racing heart rate and clear audio.
Year: 2016    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Madison ab massage custom cam b.
This cam is from the side and zoomed in on her abs.
Year: 2016    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: abdomen-massage

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Madison ab massage custom POV
This is a custom video paid for by a fan. She asks you to massage her stomach and knead it like dough while she`s oiled up. She does some vacuums and comments on how it feels a few times.
Year: 2016    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: abdomen-massage

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Alana ECG sampler.
She rests on her back, sits up, stands up, exercises and does a standing breath hold while the ECG records her heart. Perfect readings and great audio.
Year: 2016    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat ECG

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Alana breath holding cam c.
This is the view from above.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Alana breath holding cam b.
This is the view from her head towards her hips. When she begins contractions her ribs squeeze down for over 5 seconds before releasing. Nice super clear heart beat audio.
Year: 2016    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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