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Welcome to the Slapstick Stuff HD Streaming Site

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Mya Bundle! Volume 248 - SS248S3
Both scenes from Mya`s SS248 volume... in one cheap bundle! Buy and save!
Year: 2021    Length: 92 minutes       Keywords: Mya pies cake slime feet spandex water Cool Whip pudding pantyhose throw

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 248 - SS248S2
Complete scene plus Outtakes! Mya returns to lead a COVID workout in a sports bra & tiny shorts! Tons of pies while standing, messy sit-ups + cake lifts + slime on the floor, and Mya staying enthusiastic while getting covered in epic mess!
Year: 2021    Length: 51 minutes       Keywords: Mya pies cake slime feet spandex water Cool Whip pudding throw

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 [Edit Only] Volume 248 - SS248S1
Edit only! No Outtakes! Mya returns to lead a COVID workout in a sports bra & tiny shorts! Tons of pies while standing, messy sit-ups + cake lifts + slime on the floor, and Mya staying enthusiastic while getting covered in epic mess!
Year: 2021    Length: 31 minutes       Keywords: Mya pies cake slime feet spandex water Cool Whip pudding throw

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Just The Cakes! Bundle 8 - SS246S18
Parts 15 & 16 of `Just The Cakes` in one cheap bundle! Get `em both and save!
Year: 2020    Length: 63 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Samantha Sasha Taylor Lucy Scarlet Cher Breana Shauna two-girl bikini spandex thong butt slip pantyhose

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Just The Cakes! [Part 16] - SS246S16
Want to see ALL our greatest cakings in one download? Now you can! ALL the cakings from SS243-246: Six different models taking 24 cakes!
Year: 2020    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Samantha Sasha Taylor Lucy Scarlet Cher two-girl bikini spandex thong butt slip pantyhose

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Sasha Bundle! Volume 245 - SS245S4
All three scenes from Sasha`s SS245 volume... in one cheap bundle! Buy and save!
Year: 2020    Length: 69 minutes       Keywords: Sasha pantyhose pies cake slime Cool Whip pudding chocolate throw water spandex

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 245 - SS245S3
Sasha leads a Zoom workout in her all-white gear! Unfortunately, we couldn`t find any weights, so we subbed in pies & cakes! Sasha mixes real exercises w/real mess in a loose & fun scene. (And yeah, she still gets covered!)
Year: 2020    Length: 23 minutes       Keywords: Sasha spandex pies cake slime Cool Whip pudding throw water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 217 - SS217S0
Taylor dons her cutest fitness gear to teach you how to stay zen. Even when getting smashed with pies, cakes & slime! Our first `yoga mess` scene w/Taylor getting slimed & pied in lots of poses & loving it! Plus tons of foot shots!
Year: 2019    Length: 37 minutes       Keywords: Taylor spandex butt feet pies cake slime Cool Whip pudding throw water chega

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 160 - SS160S2
Mya returns to lead a workout video... but gets so caked up by the end you might not recognize her! And that`s after all the pies, green slime, and face-down falls into chocolate pudding and more cake in our messiest workout video ever!
Year: 2016    Length: 42 minutes       Keywords: Mya pies cake Cool Whip Chega slime chocolate pudding shaving cream spandex water throw

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 133 - SS133S3
Serena vs. Shelly with yoga pants, booty shots, and 20 REAL pies! All tit-for-tat, all smashed HARD! Plus Shelly slimes Serena and then herself!
Year: 2014    Length: 27 minutes       Keywords: Shelly Serena two-girl pies Cool Whip slime pudding spandex butt

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 133 - SS133S2
Shelly hosts the `SS1000` workout video and gets pied & slimed while doing squats, pushups & situps! Even her sneakers get covered!
Year: 2014    Length: 26 minutes       Keywords: Shelly spandex pies slime Cool Whip pudding shaving cream chocolate throw

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