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Welcome to the Slapstick Stuff HD Streaming Site

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Just The Cakes! Bundle 2 - SS196S56
Parts 3 & 4 of `Just The Cakes` in one cheap bundle! Get `em both and save!
Year: 2017    Length: 74 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Breana Kylie Sidney Marla Taylor Yezzica Vanessa Brin Rebecca Nicole two-girl bikini lingerie thong butt

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Just The Cakes! [Part 4] - SS196S55
Want to see ALL our greatest cakings in one download? Now you can! ALL the cakings from SS179-184! Six different models taking 26 cakes, including Breana`s infamous cake diving!
Year: 2017    Length: 41 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Breana Kylie Sidney Marla Taylor Yezzica two-girl bikini lingerie thong butt

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Just The Cakes! [Part 3] - SS196S54
Want to see ALL our greatest cakings in one download? Now you can! ALL the cakings from SS172-SS178! Six different models taking 22 cakes!
Year: 2017    Length: 33 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Breana Vanessa Brin Rebecca Taylor Nicole two-girl bikini lingerie thong butt

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Just The Cakes! Bundle 1 - SS196S53
Parts 1 & 2 of `Just The Cakes` in one cheap bundle! Get `em both and save!
Year: 2016    Length: 47 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Carrie Breana Cara Kylie Chelsea Ginger Brin Shelly Mya two-girl bikini lingerie

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Just The Cakes! [Part 2] - SS196S52
Want to see ALL our greatest cakings in one download? Now you can! ALL the cakings from SS163-169! Six different models taking 22 cakes!
Year: 2016    Length: 25 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Carrie Breana Cara Kylie Chelsea Ginger two-girl bikini lingerie

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Just The Cakes! [Part 1] - SS196S51
Want to see ALL our greatest cakings in one download? Now you can! ALL the cakings from SS155 and SS157-162! Five different models taking 16 cakes!
Year: 2016    Length: 22 minutes       Keywords: cake compilation Breana Brin Chelsea Shelly Mya two-girl bikini lingerie

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 196 - SS196S3
Short fun scene with Vic in sexy black lingerie getting pie after pie without wiping once! Eventually she gets revenge on the producer... which results in a cake smashed in her face & tons of slime on her head! But she loves it anyway!
Year: 2018    Length: 23 minutes       Keywords: Victoria pies cake slime Cool Whip shaving cream lingerie coed throw

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Breana & Friends Bundle (Part 2)! - SS195S3
Six more of Breana`s two-girl clips, now in one bundle for a low price! Bundle includes SS176S1 & 2, SS184S2, SS186S1, SS190S2, and SS195S1.
Year: 2018    Length: 251 minutes       Keywords: Breana Yezzica Jessy Dulci cake pies slime chocolate pudding Cool Whip shaving cream bikini water thong lingerie butt two-girl

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 195 - SS195S1
Long awesome Breana & Yezzica lingerie scene w/each girl getting caked, then pied w/real pies, over and over! 7 cakes + tons of pies + double green slime! Plus lotsa cleavage wiping!
Year: 2018    Length: 39 minutes       Keywords: Breana Yezzica two-girl cake pies slime chocolate pudding Cool Whip lingerie hair butt

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Slapstick Stuff Year 6: The Slime - SS193S6
Year Six: The Slime features the 1st sliming (and more) from EVERY HD shoot we did between SS175 and SS193. 24 clips and 15 different girls! Complete contents in Pics link.
Year: 2018    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: compilation Breana Ginger Brin Dulci Jessy Rebecca Kylie Nicole Taylor Sydney Marla Sam Yezzica Bree Heather slime chocolate two-girl bikini lingerie

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Slapstick Stuff Year 6: The Pies - SS193S5
Year Six: The Pies features the 1st pie hit (and more) from EVERY HD shoot we did between SS175 and SS193. 24 clips and 14 different girls! Complete contents in Pics link.
Year: 2018    Length: 26 minutes       Keywords: compilation Breana Ginger Brin Dulci Rebecca Kylie Nicole Taylor Sydney Marla Sam Yezzica Bree Heather pudding chocolate Cool Whip two-girl bikini lingerie

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 191 - SS191S1
Lingerie-clad Sam picks a fight with the producer, but too bad for her the producer fights with cakes... and pies... and THREE slimings! Will she get revenge before she`s absolutely covered? [Maybe?..]
Year: 2017    Length: 36 minutes       Keywords: Sam lingerie butt pies slime cake chocolate Cool Whip pudding coed male

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Ginger: Ultimate Bundle! - SS188S9
Get the COMPLETE set of Ginger`s HD scenes in one bundle! Solo AND 2-girl skits with Jen & Bre! Bundle includes all of SS188, SS148 & SS121 plus SS167S1, SS161S1, SS158S1 & SS134S1!
Year: 2017    Length: 374 minutes       Keywords: Ginger pies slime chocolate Chega marshmallow Cool Whip shaving cream pudding bikini thong butt lingerie slingshot Breana Jen two-girl

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 188 - SS188S2
Ginger the `Sexy Maid` shows off a ton of skin before getting kidnapped, clobbered with pies, and slimed 3 times!! This being Ginger, there`s plenty of attitude & horseplay too...
Year: 2017    Length: 30 minutes       Keywords: Ginger pies slime chocolate Cool Whip shaving cream pudding lingerie thong tights butt throw bondage

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Slime Time: Breana! - SS187S99
Want to see EVERY SLIMING Breana took in her first two years, in one download? Now you can! ALL the Breana slimings from SS147, 152, 155, 158, 161, 164, 165 & 167... 15 different scenes & 31 slimings!
Year: 2017    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Breana compilation slime chocolate bikini butt lingerie thong two-girl

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Just The Hits: Breana! [Part 2] - SS186S5
Want to see EVERY SINGLE pie hit Bre took in her second year, in one download? Now you can! ALL the Breana pie hits from SS158, 161, 164, 165 & 167... 8 different scenes! Over 85 pies in all!
Year: 2017    Length: 21 minutes       Keywords: Breana pies shaving cream Cool Whip chocolate pudding Chega throw two-girl Jessy Ginger Amy lingerie bikini thong compilation

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 184 - SS184S1
Yep, we did it! Breana stars in our EPIC Wonder Woman scene as she battles Clayface, loses her clothes, takes 20 REAL pies, gets caked twice & multiple choc slimes! Plus our best editing to date! [Includes FX-free outtakes.]
Year: 2017    Length: 39 minutes       Keywords: Breana cake pies slime chocolate pudding Cool Whip lingerie cosplay water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 180 - SS180S4
Kylie learns you can`t spell `naked` without `caked.` Or... something. Super fun-n-sexy scene w/Kylie in a G-string getting 4 cakes, slime, pies & assorted shenanigans! [Contains topless nudity.]
Year: 2017    Length: 43 minutes       Keywords: Kylie slip cake pies slime thong lingerie Cool Whip pudding shaving cream throw butt feet hair water seltzer

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Breana 2016 Bundle! - SS180S3
All seven of Breana`s solo scenes that were shot in 2016... Now in one bundle for a low price! Bundle includes SS164 S1, SS165 S2, SS180 S1, and both scenes from SS172 & SS179.
Year: 2017    Length: 250 minutes       Keywords: Breana cake slingshot bikini butt feet pies Cool Whip slime pudding lingerie shaving cream Chega thong

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 179 - SS179S1
Sexy nurse Green tries to impress Dr. McCreamy by baking him a few cakes & signing up for the Pie Booth. Things don`t go well... [Breana as a nurse! Amazing cake pratfalls, multiple pies, & an epic green sliming to finish!]
Year: 2017    Length: 35 minutes       Keywords: Breana cake pies slime Cool Whip shaving cream pudding feet lingerie butt

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 177 - SS177S2
Rebecca`s choice of super-sexy white lingerie backfires when Crusty the Baker clobbers her with THREE cakes, all real pies, and a head-to-toe chocolate gunging! 100% real pies w/amazing coverage & great reactions from Rebecca!
Year: 2017    Length: 38 minutes       Keywords: Rebecca lingerie cake thong butt pies Cool Whip chocolate pudding shaving cream seltzer slime Chega water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 177 - SS177S1
Super sexy Rebecca makes her SS debut & gets the FULL treatment: Real pies, choc pies, Brazil pies, green slime, & an awesome caking! And she loves every bit of it! Definitely one of the most enthusiastic debuts we`ve had to date!
Year: 2017    Length: 38 minutes       Keywords: Rebecca lingerie cake butt pies Cool Whip chocolate pudding shaving cream seltzer slime Chega water

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 176 - SS176S1
Breana`s newest blonde friend becomes her stand-in... and `stands in` for all her pies! But of course the tables turn... [Great 2-girl scene w/tit-for-tat pies, back-and-forth green slime, cakes, & lots of laughing!]
Year: 2017    Length: 43 minutes       Keywords: Breana Dulci lingerie two-girl cake thong butt pies Cool Whip chocolate pudding shaving cream seltzer slime Chega

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Brin Bundle! - SS175S5
Say goodbye to Brin with all TEN of her scenes (no male clips)! Everything from SS151, 153, 159, & 175 in one low-priced bundle!
Year: 2017    Length: 312 minutes       Keywords: Brin bikini slingshot cake thong butt pies slime Cool Whip chocolate pudding water shaving cream catsuit coed lingerie

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Slapstick Stuff Year 5: The Slime - SS172S9
Year Five: The Slime features the 1st sliming (and more) from EVERY HD shoot we did between SS159 and SS172. 16 clips and 10 different girls! Complete contents in Pics link.
Year: 2018    Length: 22 minutes       Keywords: compilation Breana Ginger Brin Mya Chelsea Jessy Kylie Carrie Cara Kristina Amy Vanessa slime chocolate two-girl bikini lingerie

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