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Welcome to the Slapstick Stuff HD Streaming Site

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 135 - SS135S3
Kandy Kane`s new film hits all four quadrants: Pies slime water & chocolate! Plus booty shorts.
Year: 2014    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Lyndsay pies bikini bondage slime chocolate water pudding shaving cream throw seltzer

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 132 - SS132S3
Our dueling `lingerie cops` find their combined forces are no match for the Cream Pie Maniac!
Year: 2014    Length: 29 minutes       Keywords: Jen Rachel two-girl lingerie butt pies slime Cool Whip pudding shaving cream throw bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 130 - SS130S2
Boxer `Ricky` faces all sorts of indignities in this match: Flying pies, tons of slime, chocolate, and even a knockout into the mess! Shelly`s the champ at mess as always!
Year: 2014    Length: 32 minutes       Keywords: Shelly pies slime seltzer Cool Whip pudding chocolate shaving cream throw butt bondage feet

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 129 - SS129S3
Poor Shelly wears a skintight catsuit and gets tied w/duct tape, blindfolded, gagged, slimed, and pied for good measure! In bare feet too! And she even falls into the mess!
Year: 2013    Length: 30 minutes       Keywords: Shelly catsuit slime pies feet shaving cream throw butt bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 1 Volume 127 - SS127S1
Kristina returns in HD... and a TINY thong bikini! Super-long scene w/all sorts of gags plus 22 pies, 5 buckets of slime, and lots of playing/cleanup footage.
Year: 2013    Length: 36 minutes       Keywords: Kristina pies slime bikini Cool Whip pudding chocolate water blindfold bondage hook shaving cream feet throw

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 126 - SS126S3
Our secret agent winds up being confused for a drug smuggler, meets El Capitan from YCDTOTV, and... Lots of pies & slime! [Outside opening plus silly bondage and mess! Cinema!!]
Year: 2013    Length: 28 minutes       Keywords: Katie bikini pies slime chocolate shaving cream water throw bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 124 - SS124S3
When her bakery is attacked by the CPM, Shelly gets tied up, taunted, pied & slimed. Will she get her revenge in the big gun&slime&pie battle??? Um, probably not...
Year: 2013    Length: 26 minutes       Keywords: Shelly pies slime bikini chocolate Cool Whip shaving cream throw butt bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 122 - SS122S2
New rookie agent Suzi Sassafras gets `hazed` by her department: Blindfolded & gagged while running around, then green slime, thrown pies, blue slime, and a LOT of thrown slimes & pies... Oh her poor hair!!
Year: 2013    Length: 21 minutes       Keywords: Megan slime pies shaving cream pudding lingerie bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 121 - SS121S3
Ginger goes through secret agent `hazing`... involving lots of slime on the head & pies to the face. Then more slime on the firing range! [Funny/messy edit with HILARIOUS outtakes. Watch Ginger harasses the photographer for your amusement!]
Year: 2013    Length: 26 minutes       Keywords: slime pies lingerie chocolate shaving cream throw bondage coed male Ginger

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 120 - SS120S2
As if the nurse outfit isn`t bad enough, Jen has to deal with all sorts of crap in this one: Hooked, tied up, pied, slimed... and all in that outfit too!
Year: 2013    Length: 25 minutes       Keywords: Jen lingerie pies slime chocolate Cool Whip pudding shaving cream hook bondage

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 2 Volume 118 - SS118S2
Our plan to torture Velvet Summers into giving up the location of The Piece hits a snag when she actually LIKES being tied up. And slimed. And pied. Especially chocolate!
Year: 2013    Length: 29 minutes       Keywords: pies bikini bondage slime pies water pudding chocolate shaving cream throw wetlook Britney

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 117 - SS11703
It`s a straight-up Lara Croft action clip, as Kandy Kane shoots guns and gets tied gagged & blindfolded in different combos. Then comes two slimings, multiple pies, and... flying slime?! Very messy AND funny!
Year: 2012    Length: 29 minutes       Keywords: pies bikini bondage slime water pudding shaving cream throw wetlook Lyndsay

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Slapstick Stuff Scene 3 Volume 113 - SS11303
Carrie dons the gold bikini to battle the Cream Pie Maniac as he attacks with three slimes, chocolate fudge, flour, eggs... and of course pies! And yes, those ARE bright orange heels... One of our messiest scenes ever with one of our cutest models ever!
Year: 2012    Length: 29 minutes       Keywords: pies bikini bondage slime water pudding chocolate flour eggs shaving cream throw wetlook Carrie

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SlapstickStuff Scene 4 Volume 111 - SS111S4
Brit wears a tiny thong bikini & finds herself kidnapped, tied up, pied, slimed, chocolated, AND floured. And she couldn`t be happier to play in it all! Lots of mess in this one... and more playing too!
Year: 2012    Length: 23 minutes       Keywords: pies bikini thong bondage slime water pudding chocolate flour shaving cream feet throw wetlook Britney

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