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Welcome to the Divine Siera Streaming Site

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Blood pressure experiments.
She checks her blood pressure with the machine twice each time in a variety of ways. Lying sitting standing after exercise and more. 
Year: 2020    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat blood-pressure experiment

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Heart experiments.
She does all kinds of breath play, bending over and exercise to trip up her heart. Amazing how her heart is barely effected during bend overs. She really struggles to remain standing during the breath play. It almost looks like she`s dancing.
Year: 2014    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise experiment

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Breath hold pushing with ECG.
She does a variety of breath hold pushes and it effects her heart greatly. She gets very long heart beat skips after letting the air out. You can also see it on the ECG.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment ECG

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She listens to her heart with Littmann steth.
She works out her long, toned legs while listening to her own heart with the Littmann Cardiology III stethoscope. She gets the giggles in this vid because I told her she`s holding the steth like it`s a retainer and she couldn`t get the image out of head.
Year: 2010    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise experiment

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Heart beat experiment #1.
She explains before she begins that she is going to try 4 different exercises to see which one gets her heart beating the fastest. Her heart rate does get going quite fast. She is flirty and cute.
Year: 2010    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise experiment

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