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Welcome to the Divine Siera Streaming Site

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Trying to pass out again with ECG b.
She tries to keep her contractions from being so violent which helps out with the heart audio during that time.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Trying to pass out again with ECG a.
She does 3 more regular breath holds with the goal of passing out at the end. She doesn`t succeed but the breath holds are great anyways. ECG records her heart along with the steth.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Breath holds with oxygen cam b.
Nice heart reactions and a good fight from Siera.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holds with oxygen cam a.
She does two nice long breath holds with help from the oxygen tank. She gets long contractions and her oxygen levels actually go down at the end which usually doesn`t happen on oxygen breath holds.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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3 breath holds trying to pass out b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. Her heart is beating much slower than it was last time she shot.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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3 breath holds trying to pass out a.
She tries to get back to her glory days by holding her breath until she passes out. She doesn`t quite make it but the holds are very impressive and her oxygen gets down into the 50`s. She gets a few interesting irregular beats during her first recovery.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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No air outs cam b.
She`s getting some really good contractions here which are twice as difficult as regular breath hold contractions.
Year: 2014    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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No air outs cam a.
She blows all of her air out and goes for as long as she can while her heart beat is recorded. On the second one she doesn`t quite blow it all out but on all of these she gets some amazing times and nice low oxygen levels.
Year: 2014    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Regular breath holds with great effort b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Regular breath holds with great effort a.
This is her 1st time holding her breath in over 2 years but she quickly gets back into things and shows why she used to be one of our champion breath holders who used to pass out.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Super long breath holds with oxygen cam a.
On her 1st breath hold in months she does a 5:12. Next she does one on a single breath with no prep but the can was low on air. She does 3:27. Last one she does an amazing 6:17 (check mid-sternum for visible pulse). Great hb audio from Littmann.
Year: 2010    Length: 22 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Super long breath holds with oxygen cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. After she exhales I keep recording for a while because her sinus rhythm goes a little crazy with PVC`s and some tachycardia. She almost passes out each time. Just watch her left arm. Awesome video.
Year: 2010    Length: 22 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath hold pushing with ECG.
She does a variety of breath hold pushes and it effects her heart greatly. She gets very long heart beat skips after letting the air out. You can also see it on the ECG.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment ECG

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Breath holding with ECG and new steth.
She takes a single breath and holds it for as long as she can, which is a very long time. Heart beat is recorded with the Master Cardiology steth. ECG records heart beat.
Year: 2010    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Ultrasound of heart during breath holds.
She lies on the exam table topless while she holds various amounts of air in her lungs for as long as she can. The ultrasound picks up a good image for breath holding. She gets some long contractions.
Year: 2010    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound

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Breath holding double steth.
Both stethoscopes record her heart beat during breath holds. One is on the upper part and one on the lower. She gets nice long contractions just like the old days.
Year: 2010    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holding with HB spo2 cam a.
These are two extra practice breath holds from the same day she filmed the great big breath hold challenge. Great contractions and times of course. Audio recorded with the steth.
Year: 2010    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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The great big breath hold challenge #1.
She holds her breath as long as she can in many different ways. Single breath, no air, 10 breaths, 20 breaths etc. She is asked questions after some of the breath holds and she answers honestly. Because her times are so long vid had to be split into 2.
Year: 2010    Length: 25 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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The great big breath hold challenge #2.
Because her times are so freaking long the video had to be split into two parts. Both parts have heart beat recorded with the steth. Siera will probably have the longest times in every category except sitting up.
Year: 2010    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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5:09 Breath hold with heart beat cam a.
She does another one of her amazing breath holds while her heart beat is recorded. Her oxygen level gets all the way down to 24% before she stops.
Year: 2010    Length: 6 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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5:09 Breath hold with heart beat cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2010    Length: 6 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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4:33 Breath hold with heart beat cam a.
She pushes her sexy body to the limit like usual. long and intense contractions. Heart beat recorded with the steth. Pulse oxymeter records oxygen levels and pulse.
Year: 2010    Length: 6 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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4:33 Breath hold with heart beat cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2010    Length: 6 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holding during ultrasound 2
Another great breath hold while the ultrasound shows what`s going on with her heart. Long struggle to keep the air in. Audio recorded with steth. Beautiful breasts exposed.
Year: 2010    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound

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3:50 1 breath breath hold cam a.
This is the one breath hold she did before breaking her own record for the one breath breath hold. Extremely long struggling and contractions. heart beat recorded with the steth.
Year: 2010    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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