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Trying to pass out again with ECG b.
She tries to keep her contractions from being so violent which helps out with the heart audio during that time.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Trying to pass out again with ECG a.
She does 3 more regular breath holds with the goal of passing out at the end. She doesn`t succeed but the breath holds are great anyways. ECG records her heart along with the steth.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Breath hold pushing with ECG.
She does a variety of breath hold pushes and it effects her heart greatly. She gets very long heart beat skips after letting the air out. You can also see it on the ECG.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment ECG

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ECG workout.
She does some cardio to get her pulse rate up. Since no HB is recorded at this time I sped the exercise up 200%. Her heart pounds very hard and loud when she stops to rest and the ECG records perfect readings.
Year: 2010    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise ECG

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Breath holding with ECG and new steth.
She takes a single breath and holds it for as long as she can, which is a very long time. Heart beat is recorded with the Master Cardiology steth. ECG records heart beat.
Year: 2010    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Breath hold with jumbo ECG and SPO2 #1.
She does one great breath hold while her heart is recorded with the steth, ECG and Pulse oxymeter. Filmed on 02-24-10.
Year: 2010    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Breath hold with jumbo ECG and SPO2 #2.
More breath holds like #1 with long contractions.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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1 breath breath hold with ECG SPO2.
She rests for a while then takes a single breath and holds it for almost as long as she does when she takes many breaths. She did a lot of breath holding on this day trying to beat her record.
Year: 2010    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Breath holding hands and knees ECG SPO2 HB.
She holds her breath as long as she can while on her hands and knees. The SPO2 and ECG readings are imbedded onto the video so you can see through them. Heart beat audio recorded with steth.
Year: 2010    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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4:15 breath hold with ECG and SPO2 readings.
She does a great breath hold with long contractions while her heart is recorded with the steth, ECG and Pulse oxymeter. The readings are jumbo size and you can see through them so they don`t block Siera.
Year: 2010    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ECG

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Very fast HB on bike with ECG.
Her pulse gets to the high 170`s while her heart is recorded with the steth and ECG. ECG readings are super sized for easier viewing.
Year: 2010    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise ECG

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Leg workout with ECG and pulse beeping.
The ECG shows what her heart is doing as she works her incredibly sexy legs. Instead of steth heart beat we allowed the machine to beep with each heart beat like the hospital.
Year: 2010    Length: 7 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise ECG

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