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Welcome to the Divine Lux Streaming Site

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Difficult bike workout breath holding chest pulse c.
The view from the other side of her body. The combination of smoking and hard cardio made her feel sick but she pushed on through to the end.
Year: 2018    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise breath-hold experiment

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Difficult bike workout breath holding chest pulse b.
This is a close up of the area with the most movement. Her entire body shakes with each powerful beat. Camera angle changes slightly with every new set.
Year: 2018    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise breath-hold experiment

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Difficult bike workout breath holding chest pulse a.
This is a custom video order. She rides the bike hard after smoking a lot to really get her pulse pounding and then she stops so we can see her chest and body moving with each rapid beat. On last 2 sets she holds her breath during rest multiple times.
Year: 2018    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise breath-hold experiment

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Sucking cam c.
This is the view from her head looking to hips. On last attempt she does a regular vacuum for as long as she can then takes one breath of oxygen and keeps going to 5 minutes. As her chest caves in during contractions she gets some unique beats.
Year: 2015    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: vacuums heartbeat breath-hold

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Sucking cam b.
This is the view from above. She gets great contractions and nice times. Of course she keeps those gorgeous eyes open the whole time. Crystal clear heart beat audio.
Year: 2015    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: vacuums heartbeat breath-hold

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Sucking cam a.
Haha funny play on words here. She starts with super vacuums then goes straight into a full b hold. Next she does a full breath hold but sucks in her abs like a vacuum. On last attempt we add the belt and oxygen.
Year: 2015    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: vacuums heartbeat breath-hold

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