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Welcome to the Divine Aphrodite Streaming Site

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Heart ultrasound lying on her back and side.
The Doctor starts with her lying on her back but then asks her to turn onto her side to get her large assets out of the way. This proves to be a wise decision as the image is clearer. Heart beat audio.
Year: 2023    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat ultrasound

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Ultrasound of stomach with audio.
The belly noises are not very impressive but the visuals are great. You can see food being digested.
Year: 2008    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Great belly noises and ultrasound.
Her belly is going crazy for most of this video.
Year: 2010    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Belly noises and ultrasound.
Her belly is going pretty crazy here and there are good visuals from the ultrasound.
Year: 2008    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Ultrasound during 2 nice breath holds.
She does a couple of good breath holds with her usual fight at the end. The ultrasound gets good images of her heart. The steth records heart audio.
Year: 2010    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound

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Ultrasound during upset tummy.
Great audio of her upset tummy accompanied by sweet ultrasound visuals.
Year: 2008    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Ultrasound breath games with balloons.
The ultrasound is on her heart as she tries exchanging the air between her lungs and the balloon for as long as she can. Interesting to see what happens. Funny moment included.
Year: 2008    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound balloons

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Ultrasound great belly noises.
Her belly was going pretty wild here with some great growls. she starved herself all day before the shoot.
Year: 2008    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Breath holding with ultrasound #2.
This is her longest breath hold while Phoebe examines her heart with the ultrasound. She fights through long contractions while Phoebe presses down on her tummy.
Year: 2008    Length: 5 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound

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Dr. Phoebe Ultrasounds Aphrodite`s heart.
Phoebe checks Aphrodite`s heart from various angles then asks her to take deep breaths and cough. You get to see the changes in Aphro`s heart.
Year: 2008    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heart-exam ultrasound

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Ultrasound belly exam with sounds.
She was starving and her belly was making some very loud noises while Phoebe examines her digestive system with the ultrasound.
Year: 2008    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: belly-noises ultrasound

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Ultrasound breath holding.
She does good breath holds with long contractions and you can see her heart getting squeezed during some contractions. Phoebe helps by placing her hand over Aphro`s mouth at the end.
Year: 2008    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat ultrasound

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