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Welcome to the Divine Aphrodite Streaming Site

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Visible pulse all over.
You can see a visible pulse in her abs and chest, especially in her left breast. Camera angle and lighting change multiple times for variety.
Year: 2023    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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Multiple orgasms while her heart beat is recorded cam b.
The view from above. Her heart is taken for a wild ride as each orgasm comes and goes.
Year: 2023    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Multiple orgasms while her heart beat is recorded cam a.
She has 6 or 7 orgasms while her heart beat is recorded. Her breathing and moaning noises are also clear.
Year: 2023    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Chest close up after cardio workout.
She does squats to get her heart pounding hard and fast then quickly lies on the floor. The camera zooms into her chest and abs for visible pulse.
Year: 2023    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat exercise

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Sweet neck pulsations new positions.
She tries a new technique where she`s partially on her side which bends her neck and stretches it out. For another part of the video a pillow is under her neck as her head is straight back. The result is really fantastic artery and vein movement.
Year: 2023    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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Wow orgasm every minute from Nymphrodite b.
Because of her many orgasms this is definitely one of our best if not thee best self pleasure videos. I also recorded her vocal moans and breathing crystal clear with no vibrator noise.
Year: 2023    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Wow orgasm every minute from Nymphrodite a.
I didn`t know she could have real orgasms every minute until we filmed this video. Her heart speeds way up every time she`s about to orgasm. She goes fo about 9 minutes straight.
Year: 2023    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Dying on the bike with chest pulse.
She pedals the bike on the hardest setting 3 times then stops to rest. Each time she pedals faster and looks like she`s about to die at the end. Because her intense reactions are so great I made a side by side of her closeup chest pulse and wider shot.
Year: 2023    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Breath experiments for heart trouble while standing.
She does a variety of breath holds pushes and exhale holds while standing and doing squats to get her heart to do strange things. She does get some great reactions.
Year: 2023    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment

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Nude fun with the Sprague stethoscope.
She stands before you completely nude listening to her full Sprague stethoscope. She moves it to the major auscultation sites and does some experimenting with exercise.
Year: 2023    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat exercise

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Heart ultrasound lying on her back and side.
The Doctor starts with her lying on her back but then asks her to turn onto her side to get her large assets out of the way. This proves to be a wise decision as the image is clearer. Heart beat audio.
Year: 2023    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat ultrasound

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Self pleasure and 3 orgasms with heart beat cam b.
She`s making a lot of sexy moans and sounds during the entire video.
Year: 2023    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Self pleasure and 3 orgasms with heart beat cam a.
She is fully nude again and using a vibrator toy that is inserted. She has 3 nice powerful, leg shaking orgasms while her heart beat is recorded.
Year: 2023    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: heartbeat self-pleasure

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Sexy nude breath holding cam b.
I coach her in between each attempt and remind her of all of the techniques she used to know. Heart beat is recorded and she gets a nice heart stumble before starting when she exhales hard.
Year: 2023    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Sexy nude breath holding cam a.
She holds her breath for as long as she can 3 times while fully nude. Her times get longer with each attempt and she squirms around kicking her legs when it gets hard.
Year: 2023    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Hip and ankles pulse.
The pulse in her hip is recorded. Later the pulse in both of her ankles is recorded from multiple angles.
Year: 2023    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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Very nice neck pulse slow and fast.
the pulse in her neck is very visible all over. Both sides of her neck are shown. She is at rest and after cardio.
Year: 2023    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: visible-pulse heartbeat

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Welcome back breath holds cam b.
She sure does look fantastic after taking a 10 year break. Nice fight and pushing herself during these first breath holds. She squirms around and moves her legs.
Year: 2023    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Welcome back breath holds cam a.
She tries breath holding for the first time in 10 years. Her first attempt reminds her of how hard it is. She tries 3 more times after that. Does she get back to her former times? You will have to buy the video to find out. Heart beat audio.
Year: 2023    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD breath holds on all fours with crazy face color.
She struggles through breath holds on her hands and knees. Because her head is lower than her body her face turns purple and then white. Heart beat audio is not always perfect because she`s holding steth herself. 
Year: 2022    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD regular breath holds and a weight.
She does a few breath holds with nice long contractions. At the end she does one with a 25lb. weight on her abs. Heart beat audio is recorded.
Year: 2022    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD exhale breath holds with back over pillow.
She exhales all of the air out of her lungs and holds it for as long as she can while her heart beat is recorded. Jewels are on her abs. 
Year: 2022    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD 1 minute game with heart beat.
This appears to be one of the first times she tries the 1 minute breath hold games since she really struggles with a lot of contractions. Contractions start soon after she takes a new breath. 
Year: 2022    Length: 18 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD Phoebe helps Aphrodite do longer breath holds a.
This is a continuation of the previous video. Phoebe really pushes Aphrodite to go longer. Aphrodite struggles hard. Heart beat and oxygen levels are recorded.
Year: 2022    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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HD Aphrodite helps Phoebe do longer breath holds a.
Phoebe holds her breath for as long as she can. When contractions start Aphrodite places her hand over Phoebes mouth to help her go longer. Heart beat audio is recorded and oxygen levels are on the machine.
Year: 2022    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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