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90 second breath hold game cam a.
Since the 1 minute breath hold game was too easy she has to go 1.5 minutes inbetween each breath this time. She finds it much more difficult but still makes it longer than some of the girls do with the 1 minute game.
Year: 2013    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold

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Breath holding sitting up.
She sits up on the stool and holds her breath while recording her heart beat with the steth. She looks right at you while doing this and her heart gets real s-l-o-w and almost stops at the end of the last breath hold just before she has to let out the air
Year: 2013    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holds with no heart beat cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold

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Breath holds with no heart beat cam a.
She does regular breath holds for as long as she can with great struggling at the ends of each attempt. There is no heart beat audio but the room audio is recorded.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold

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Standing breath hold pushes oh my.
She pushes as hard as she can while standing and later does them immediately after exercise. Her heart is all over the place with super loud pounding, rapid speed ups and slow downs and a bit of arrhythmia. The faces she makes are priceless.
Year: 2013    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat experiment

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Regular breath holds for time cam b.
She gets good contractions and squirms around. Nice heart reactions and audio.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Regular breath holds for time cam a.
She does a few regular breath holds for as long as she can while her heart beat is recorded and the pulse oxymeter records her pulse rate and oxygen levels. Great effort with good struggling to keep going.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Great breath holds with belt restriction cam b.
This video includes longer breathing before the breath hold and longer during recovery. Her heart has a few minor reactions and sounds fantastic. You can also hear her breathing crystal clear.
Year: 2013    Length: 18 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Great breath holds with belt restriction cam a.
She does some really nice long breath holds while the belt is restricted around her waist as tight as we could get it. Her oxygen gets down to 43%. At the end of her contractions her abs quiver.
Year: 2013    Length: 18 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1 long breath hold with oxygen cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2013    Length: 7 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1 long breath hold with oxygen cam a.
She takes her last breath from the oxygen and holds it for as long as she can. Nice long contractions and perfect heart beat. She gets steady, deep tone recorded at Erb`s point.
Year: 2013    Length: 7 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1st Breath holds with oxygen cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. These breath holds are nice and long with some of the best, uncomfortable pushing at the end that we`ve seen in quite a while. Perfect heart beat audio.
Year: 2013    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1st Breath holds with oxygen cam a.
She holds her breath for as long as she can after taking her last breath from oxygen. She really fights at the end of these, squirming around, flexing her muscles and making some great faces.
Year: 2013    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Long breath holds sitting up b.
We wanted to see what happens to her heart under the added stress of sitting up. She`s able to keep her pulse rate remarkably low. She gets some contractions and squirms the most on the last one.
Year: 2013    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Long breath holds sitting up a.
She makes it over the magical 2 minute mark which is good for sitting up breath holds. On the last one she`s lying back but still held up by her arms. The steth captures perfect, crystal clear heart beat.
Year: 2013    Length: 10 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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10 minute breath hold game master b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. She gets some great contractions and her facial expressions are perfect. She really shows the struggle she`s going through.
Year: 2013    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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10 minute breath hold game master a.
She does the single breath every minute game and tries to make it to 10 minutes. She makes it to 10 minutes so I told her to keep holding as long as she can on last one and she makes it all the way to 12 minutes. The best performance ever for this video.
Year: 2013    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1st breath holds cam b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. Her contractions start out mild with a tiny movement in her abs but eventually she`s fighting really hard to keep the air in. Perfect heart beat audio from the Littmann.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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1st breath holds cam a.
Her 1st breath hold is great and they just keep getting longer. On 2nd and 3rd she`s well over 3 minutes with great contractions. She really shows the strain of breath holding by kicking her legs, and squirming around. 3 breath holds = 14 minute video.
Year: 2013    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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