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9 minutes straight of breath holds cam b.
Nice heart reactions as her body is low on oxygen for over 9 minutes. She gets nice contractions each time and really pushes the last one extra hard which causes some major heart fluctuations.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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9 minutes straight of breath holds cam a.
She does a regular long breath hold for as long as she can and then takes a single breath and keeps going. She keeps doing back to back holds until she makes it over 9 minutes. Big PVC`s and long pauses on last hold.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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3 great breath holds cam b.
Top down view of the same great breath holds. She`s watching the stop watch and pushing herself to make it to a time that she`s happy with.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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3 great breath holds cam a.
She`s really getting good at pushing herself through nice contractions as she struggles to reach new breath hold times. Her heart is beating very fast during these attempts especially the first one.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath contests #2 cam c.
With this camera you are hearing Iris`s heart beat the whole time. She doesn`t want to lose to her newbie friend so she pushes herself way harder than ever before with really long contractions during the exhale hold and the push.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat contest

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Breath hold contests with Pixie b.
They swap places and steths after each contest so you get to hear Iris`s heart twice with the steth closest to the cam and once with the other. She really fights to win against her less experienced friend.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat contest

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Breath hold contests with Pixie a.
They are pretty evenly matched but Iris wins 2 out of 3 times. In the process she does some of her best breath holds ever, pushing herself harder than any time before. You only hear heart beat audio from Iris.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat contest

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Breath holding with nice contractions b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holding with nice contractions a.
She does a great job on these breath holds and I believe she gets her longest contractions yet. Heart beat audio is perfect and she gets a variety of tempo changes and a few short pauses during recovery.
Year: 2014    Length: 12 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holds with back arched over pillow b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. Great video for anyone who loves ribs or toned abs.
Year: 2014    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath holds with back arched over pillow a.
She does regular breath holds for as long as she can while her back is arched over a pillow. Good times and she gets a bit of heart magic sprinkled throughout.
Year: 2014    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Nice breath holds with contractions b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Nice breath holds with contractions a.
She does a few regular breath holds and pushes herself hard enough to get some nice contractions. Perfect heart beat is recorded.
Year: 2014    Length: 13 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Breath play while listening with doppler.
She sits upright on a stool and does a variety of breath play while listening to her own heart via the doppler. Many things happen including fast pulse, super slow pulse and PVC`s.
Year: 2014    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat doppler PVCs

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3 regular breath holds with heart fun b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat PVCs

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3 regular breath holds with heart fun a.
She does 3 really nice long breath holds while pushing herself as she looks at the timer. Her heart is up to it`s usual tricks during breath holds and after.
Year: 2014    Length: 14 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat PVCs

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3 nice breath holds with PVC`s b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat PVCs

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3 nice breath holds with PVC`s a.
She does 3 good breath holds while watching the timer. On the last one she makes it to 3 minutes. She gets some PVC`s and some good ab contracting.
Year: 2014    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat PVCs

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ECG breath experiments sitting up.
She sits up and does a variety of breath experiments such as regular holds, exhales and combos. Her heart has big reactions to every thing she does.
Year: 2014    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat breath-experiments ECG

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Big variety breath play.
First she is sitting up on the stool so she doesn`t pass out. She does a variety of breath play from regular holds to no air and pushes. Later she is reclined on the incline bench for more experiments. She gets all kinds of heart magic.
Year: 2014    Length: 8 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat breath-experiments

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3 breath holds with heart magic b.
Same as cam a except for the angle.
Year: 2014    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat Arrhythmia

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3 breath holds with heart magic a.
She does 3 nice breath holds where each is longer than the one before. On her last attempt she makes it to 3:18. She gets her usual heart magic and her oxygen gets down into the 50`s.
Year: 2014    Length: 15 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat Arrhythmia

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Deep breaths and holding b.
Same as cam a except for the angle. You get two cams in this version and the angles really accentuate Iris� gorgeous figure. She gets her classic wide S2 splits on almost every inhale and some occasional PVC�s.
Year: 2014    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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Deep breaths and holding a.
She takes the deepest breath she can and blows it all out slowly in a variety of positions. After she gets too high from the breathing she holds it and packs in air. The steth moves up and down on her chest during the holds. Really w-i-d-e splits on inhal
Year: 2014    Length: 11 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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New personal breath hold record cam b.
She gets a couple heart hiccups at the beginning of the breath hold.
Year: 2014    Length: 9 minutes       Keywords: breathhold heartbeat

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